In the 1960s, iconic media and communications theorist Marshall McLuhan coined the term “Global Village” to describe the impact modern communication was having on the world. McLuhan theorized that communications technology was causing the world to “shrink” as people everywhere were able to engage in real time.

50 years later, we all know this to be true, as the internet, and now social media have truly shrunk the planet and its people into one fully engaged and interactive population – operating, communicating and transacting business in real time.

With this phenomenon comes the opportunity for companies, in America and abroad, to attract capital from global sources and a worldwide investment community. Companies like Legion Capital, founded on the principals of direct to market private equity, are now “shrinking” the global investment marketplace into a single capital formation ecosystem.

Legion, which launched its Legion Direct investment platform in the U.S. only a few months ago, attracting thousands of investors to directly review and engage with its investment offerings, has now expanded that platform into the U.K., Canada, Hong Kong, Dubai, Australia and Germany.

The globalization of the Legion Direct platform will now allow investors from around the world to directly invest in U.S. private equity. This is a paradigm shift in capital formation, private equity and business development.

America is still the greatest economy and marketplace in the history of the world, and global investors increasingly seek opportunity in the U.S., particularly in the areas of alternative investments such as private equity, real estate and other non-traded investment opportunities.

Legion is leading the way in the globalization of direct to market capital formation, and is indeed creating a Global Investment Village.

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